How to Select the Right Chiropractor for You

Congratulations! If you’ve decided to seek chiropractic treatment, you’re taking proactive steps to improve your spine, joint, and muscle health. Now it’s time to get to work on your next step: finding the right chiropractor for you. Like any professional, chiropractic specialists vary by qualifications, techniques, and demeanor, so it’s worth taking your time on this decision.

Seek Out Recommendations

One reliable way to find high-quality chiropractors, and the first step in any comprehensive search, is to ask people around you for recommendations. Check with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers for suggestions. Then see if your primary care physician or any physical therapists or specialists you already see can point you in the direction of any specific chiropractic offices they trust.

Narrowing Down the Field

Once you’ve compiled a short list of potential chiropractors, run through a few quick screening steps before you schedule an initial visit or consultation. This can make your decision clearer and easier.

Confirm Your Insurance

Check your insurance. Does your plan allow you to choose any chiropractor, or is there a list of specific in-network providers you must pick from? Once you’ve eliminated any out-of-network offices, you can do some research about each remaining chiropractor online.

Background Check

Make sure their licensing is up to date, and see if their college is accredited. A quick search may also help you find out if a given provider has been known for noteworthy issues in the past.

Some chiropractors may be affiliated with a particular hospital or professional organization. If one of the chiropractors in question does have affiliations, look into their reputations. You can also call each provider left on your list and find out if they are currently accepting new patients.

Final Considerations

Finally, some patients may prefer taking the time to talk with each chiropractic office, whether that’s over the phone or in person for a consult. This can give you a better sense of the work they do and what their attitude is like.

Ultimately, you want to feel free to be comfortable and build a positive rapport with your chiropractor. Ask them about their past experience. Find out what sorts of conditions they treat the most and what kinds of procedures they are most experienced with. Don’t forget to ask about and look for patient testimonies and surveys.

Take your time and you’re sure to find the right chiropractor for you!

What Do Normal Spine Curve and Alignment Look Like?

Many people of various ages struggle with posture issues and related back pain. Alignment issues can manifest themselves many different ways, from the mildly inconvenient to the debilitating. Your spine (and the muscles that surround it) is at the root of all these problems.

Proper spinal curve and alignment are essential for a healthy back and optimal wellbeing. But before we explore what chiropractic treatment can do for you, you should know a bit about what a healthy spine looks like.

What is the Natural Shape of the Spine?

Looking at your spine from behind, it should appear straight up and down with no deviations. Any small or large curves in your spine to the left or right from this angle may be investigated as potential Scoliosis.

From the side, your spine should make a gentle “S” shape. The spine has three main curves. Your neck and your lower back should have a slight concave curve (curved in toward the front of the body). These two parts of your spine are called the cervical spine and lumbar spine, respectively. Your upper back, known as the thoracic spine, should have a convex curve (in which the spine curves out behind you).

Abnormal Spinal Shape

Lordosis is a condition that refers to an excessive inward curve of the spine, and Kyphosis refers to an abnormally exaggerated outward curve. However, these terms may also be used to describe the natural curvature of the spine.


Now that you know the basics of what a healthy back looks like, you and your chiropractor can get to work making a change. A critical factor to keep in mind is proper posture. Posture can be an indicator of spine health and an important tool in addressing issues.

As you move forward in your chiropractic treatment (or any accompanying treatments prescribed by your doctor), you will begin to experience reduced pain and mitigate future spinal alignment or posture issues.

Contact our office today to begin your journey toward optimal alignment and increased health!

How Your Mental Health Affects Your Physical Health

There’s a growing interest in the real-world implications of the mind-body connection. More and more doctors are realizing that a critical way to support optimal physical health is to ensure patients are mentally healthy first. Strong negative emotions can impact everything from your muscular tension levels to hormones in your body.

While there are many reasons to take care of your mental health, its profound impact on your physical health is among the most important.

Depression, high levels of stress, anxiety, and even loneliness can all impact your well-being. Medical conditions such as high blood pressure or stomach ulcers and events like heart attacks and strokes can often be correlated to emotional and mental health issues such as extreme and prolonged stress.

Address Mental and Emotional Health Issues Early

If you find yourself struggling with feelings of low self-worth, anxiety, isolation, or depression, find constructive ways to address them as soon as possible. Many people could benefit from talking to a loved one or a compassionate professional. Understanding the root of an issue can help you better process and release negative emotions and thought cycles.

Tapping into a creative outlet can also help reduce these issues. Writing, singing, dancing, or painting can help release negative feelings while boosting confidence, pride, and productivity. In addition to expressing yourself through a creative activity of your choice, look into other forms of stress release and ways to increase mindfulness.

[Related: Benefits of and Reasons for Regular Adjustments]

Meditation, Yoga, and Other Self Care Can Influence Your Outlook

Committing to regular personal time can be difficult, but the benefits are staggering. Spend at least 15 to 30 minutes each day doing something just for yourself. A brief morning meditation may cause you to feel calmer during the day and can help balance your blood pressure. No matter how you choose to do it (as long as it’s healthy and constructive!), daily self care is important if you want to find your way back to a calmer, healthier place.

Yoga or Tai Chi can also be great practices to cultivate mindfulness and strengthen the body. These physical exercises come with the added benefit of encouraging participants to live in the moment and honor the body’s natural abilities. Unlike more strenuous activities, most yoga classes and Tai Chi are low-impact, meaning people in virtually any physical shape can try them.

Massage Therapy Can Help Offset Stress-Related Issues

A host of health benefits are associated with manual therapies such as massage and chiropractic adjustments. In addition to treating specific physical symptoms of discomfort, these therapies can decrease stress, depression, and anxiety in many patients.

The reason why is simple: hands-on therapies result in the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with both bonding and reduced stress hormones. Additionally, releasing physical tension can help you mentally and emotionally let go. Gentle touch, combined with an increased sense of physical well-being can improve both your physical and mental health.

Contact Spencer Chiropractic Center today to discuss how we can help!

How to Maintain a Healthy and Strong Body This Summer

Summer means spending time with friends and family. Mind and body become rejuvenated as you can finally spend time comfortably outdoors, soak up some vitamin D, and be active. However, if you neglect to take care of your body, you may wind up spending more time indoors than you’d like. Here are a few basic tips to keep your body strong and healthy this season so you can enjoy every minute.

Stay Hydrated

Drink water, water, and more water. Especially when temperatures rise, your body loses more water than you think, even when you’re just moving around completing daily tasks. Try to carry a reusable water bottle with you at all times, so you can hydrate all day long. Proper hydration helps you sustain your energy and enhances muscle function and body temperature regulation.

Enjoy the Sun (With SPF)

By all means, get outside and soak up the vitamin D you missed out on during the winter months. However, it is absolutely critical to protect your skin when doing so. Treat sunscreen as an essential accessory that you wear at all times. Apply SPF 30 or higher regularly throughout the day, even when you’re not laying out on the beach or by the pool.

[Related: Don’t Let Pain Ruin Your Summer Camping Plans]

Know When to be Active and When to Rest

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor sports and exercise! For those with joint pain, look into water sports that are more gentle on your body. Otherwise, get out there and get your sweat on! As we all know by now, regular exercise is essential to remain healthy and happy. In order to avoid overexerting yourself, it’s just as important to pair regular exercise with some R&R.

Visit a chiropractor

Your chiropractor is your partner in health. We can help you stay active and healthy by correcting problems before they become serious issues, and even by boosting your immune system. Throughout peak vacation season, chiropractic treatment can help prevent aches and pains, ultimately allowing you to enjoy your trip (and feel more at ease during a cramped road trip or long flight, when stiff joints can become a real comfort killer!).

Contact Spencer Chiropractic Center to set up a consultation today!

What Is Subluxation and How Does It Impact Your Health?

dr phillip spencer examining patient xray

Many people who experience chronic symptoms or discomfort seek chiropractic treatment before they’ve ever heard the term subluxation. The issue, while not inherently severe, can have far-reaching impacts on your overall wellbeing and quality of life. Thankfully, a chiropractor can help correct misalignments with manual adjustments, improving the subluxation and drastically reducing your symptoms.

What is Subluxation?

In the simplest terms, subluxation occurs when one of your back bones, called vertebrae, slips out of alignment. This can put considerable pressure on the disc between vertebrae, on your spinal cord, or on your nerves, resulting in pain, discomfort, and other health issues. A number of different factors can cause subluxation, including poor posture when standing or sitting at work, inadequate spinal support, sleeping position, repetitive motions, sudden trauma, birth, and weak spinal muscles.

Subluxation impacts your nervous system’s ability to fully function and regulate your body. When nerves or the spinal cord are pinched or impeded, your health can suffer. Depending on the cause of the subluxation, changes to your lifestyle, including your sleep habits or posture while at work, may be necessary for long-term relief. Chiropractic care can help reduce symptoms while simultaneously improving your posture and alignment.

How Subluxation Impacts Your Health

Your brain (and by extension, your spinal cord) controls everything in your body. When your spinal cord or nearby nerves are pinched or under pressure, it can affect your health in a variety of ways. Some of the most common symptoms are back and extremity pain and headaches. If untreated, however, a subluxation can intensify and have a profound impact on your overall health.

In some cases, untreated subluxations result in high stress levels, and your immune system is usually the first to take the hit. Decreased immune function, combined with increased pain and mobility issues, can aggravate other issues. Even internal organs can be adversely affected by poor nerve function if the subluxation isn’t promptly treated.

As you might guess, even if you don’t suffer from a known subluxation, it’s important to visit your chiropractor for regular treatment to ensure proper alignment and avoid a world of potential health issues.