Four Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor

As in all medical practices, some doctors are better than others, and we understand that choosing your chiropractor is a major decision. After all, this is someone you trust to manipulate your spine and skeletal structure! We want our patients to be completely confident that they are able to find care from a practice that offers the highest level of expertise, professionalism, and integrity possible, and so we’d like to suggest a few questions you might want to ask your chiropractor, whether that means us or any other practitioner!

dr. spencer assistant viewing patient xray

How long have you been in business?

A chiropractor who is new on the scene not only lacks experience, but lacks reputation. If you’ve been working in the same industry in the same city for decades, it means people trust you enough to keep coming back. We also encourage patients to check out the chiropractor’s online reviews and web presence–an industry professional should have good ratings and an informative, helpful website.

Do you have any experience with my specific ailments?

Though something like “lower back pain” is an area in which most chiropractors feel comfortable, there are a number of specific ailments in which they may or may not have experience. For example, are you looking for someone who specializes in orthopedics, injury rehabilitation, herniated discs, carpal tunnel, or sports medicine? There are many different specialities a chiropractor might have, and continuing educational programs they may have pursued. Ask about their experiences with patients similar to you!

Do you offer any other adjunctive services?

Many chiropractic facilities offer other services that compliment chiropractic work, such as massage, physical therapy, spinal decompression, nutritional counseling, or more. If you need to see multiple practitioners for your ailments, it’s often beneficial to work with people who can compare notes, diagnosis, and information under the same roof.

Do you mandate X-rays for every patient?

Unfortunately, some chiropractors suggest excessive services to make money off of their clients, and one of the most common forms of this is taking multiple X-rays of every patient, often more than once. Though many patients absolutely require X-rays, such as spinal injury or scoliosis patients, a quick trigger-finger on the X-ray button is a good sign that your chiropractor is more interested in making money than helping you.

At Spencer Chiropractic, we’re very serious about offering the best level of chiropractic care in the Seattle area. We’d love to talk to you about your needs, and if we don’t think we can help you, we’d love to help you find someone who can!

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