How Chiropractic Care Can Relieve Sleeplessness

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There are few things worse than not being able to fall asleep at night. Over 25% of the U.S. population report they are not getting enough sleep, which could be caused by a number of things, from aches and pains to general restlessness. People may think that chiropractic care is only good for specific back ailments, but a trip to the clinic could be a helpful step on your journey to a good night’s sleep. Here are a couple of ways chiropractors can direct you towards a less painful and more restful slumber.

Sleeping Position Recommendations

If you’re dealing with mysterious aches and pains at night, you might be sleeping wrong. Chiropractors can recommend the best sleeping position for your particular night pains. A commonly recommended sleeping position is on your side with a pillow between your legs. This helps your hips and spine with proper alignment. Remember to switch which side you sleep on every so often to prevent imbalances.

Pillows and Mattress Recommendations

Chiropractors can also recommend the right chiropractic pillow or mattress to help your posture in bed. Sleep support pillows are usually curved, so that when you’re resting, your spine maintains its natural shape. Your pillow should never be pushing your chin to your neck, or going against the natural curve of your neck and head. Chiropractors typically recommend a memory foam mattress rather than a spring bed to best conform to the natural curve of your spine.

Spinal Adjustments and Cervical Manipulation

The number one reason most people lose sleep may be due to acute pain surrounding the back and neck. Sometimes all you need for a more comfortable sleep is a simple spinal adjustment from your chiropractor. Chiropractors can focus on your neck and shoulders to help alleviate the pain and pressure that may be causing you nocturnal stress. They can also make spinal adjustments to correct any misalignments that may be causing a build up of pain and tension. Cervical manipulation, which focuses on adjusting the vertebrae of the neck, can help to increase the body’s nerve supply and assist with mental tension if your restlessness isn’t purely physical. Studies prove that adjusting the spine and neck successfully aids in the production of chemical hormones that aid in the sleep cycle.

A good night’s sleep is essential for a healthy immune system, digestion, and mental health. If you’re having consistent trouble getting to sleep, schedule an appointment with your chiropractor to see if they could assist you in catching some Z’s.

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