How Chiropractic Care Can Help During Pregnancy

50% of pregnant women experience back pain at some point before they give birth — not to mention the morning sickness, general nausea, and aches and pains your changing body feels as it’s making space for another.

Feel Confident and Safe

A visit to the chiropractor during pregnancy shouldn’t be scary — you should walk in confident that you’ll get the care and attention you need during these critical nine months. Although some chiropractors specialize in prenatal care, all licensed chiropractors receive appropriate training related to treating pregnant patients. Adjustable tables and techniques that are careful not to place pressure on the abdomen are used, and most chiropractors will also  be able to show you helpful stretches for relieving tension and discomfort at home.

Protect Your Changing Body

During pregnancy, the body goes through several changes that can worsen joint pain and muscle tension. The growth of the baby and the shift in your body’s center of gravity causes a protruding abdomen, increased back curve, pelvic changes, and a difference in posture that can all result in a misaligned spine and joints. Chiropractic care can assist in establishing pelvic balance and alignment, giving more room for the baby to get into the best position and relieving some of the tension and stress on your joints.

[Related: Integrating Chiropractic Care With Other Methods of Healing]

Control Nausea and Pain

Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy can actually reduce morning sickness and lower back pain symptoms. Proper spinal alignment can help your nervous system work optimally, which in turn can reduce the amount of headaches, nausea, and other pain symptoms you experience. Clinical studies show that 75% of women receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy stated that they found relief from lower back pain through regular adjustments.

Reduce Labor Time and Encourage Noninvasive Delivery

Visits to the chiropractor during pregnancy can also reduce the time of labor and encourage noninvasive delivery by helping to correctly position the baby. 

Through adjustments that help balance the pelvis and uterus, the baby is allowed more space to properly get into optimal position and avoid any complications due to misalignment. If the baby is in the correct position, rather than in a breech position, labor should be quicker and more comfortable. Research shows that pregnant patients under the care of a chiropractor had up to a 31% shorter labor time.

Consult your doctor or regular chiropractic physician if you’re considering regular chiropractic care during pregnancy. If you have any questions about prenatal spinal care or would like to set up an appointment with us, contact Spencer Chiropractor today!

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