The Worst (and Best) Bags for Your Back

Have you ever wondered how your clothing and accessory choices affect your body’s pain levels? Educate yourself on your favorite purse or the bag you carry every day — many trendy handbags and purses end up causing a lot of pain. 

Here are some of the worst styles of bags for your neck and back, and some less painful (but still fashionable) alternatives.

Bags That Cause Pain


Although they’re small and lightweight, clutches and hand-held mini purses can cause undue tension in the muscles of your hands, wrists, and shoulders, causing pain and throwing off your natural gait when you walk.

Chain Straps

Thin chain straps that you see on many designer bags should be avoided, especially if they’re carrying a larger purse. These straps dig into your shoulders and can become very painful, especially during warmer months when you aren’t wearing as many layers between your purse and skin.

Top-Handle Bags

Top-handle bags, when worn without crossbody straps, can be a terrible choice. You’ll either carry these bags in the crook of your arm or grasped tightly in your hand like a clutch — both of which are options that will increase tension in your hand, wrist, shoulder, and neck muscles. If you don’t switch arms often, holding a top-handle bag may lead to asymmetries in your musculature or cause wrist and elbow issues.

Oversized Totes

When you think of bags, remember: smaller is better. Oversized totes that carry a lot of weight may cause your upper shoulder muscles to hold themselves in a shrug as you adapt to heavier loads. In addition to neck and shoulder pain, carrying an oversized tote can cause your weight distribution to come off balance and place pressure on your joints, causing inflammation.

Bags That Are Kind to Backs

Fanny Packs

A good purse should be small and held close to the body, such as a fanny pack (or “belt bag”). These bags ensure that one side of the body doesn’t hold all the weight and allow you to move freely without holding onto something.

Crossbody Bags

As long as you switch shoulders from time to time, crossbody bags are a great option. These bags distribute weight more symmetrically across the body and are more comfortable on your shoulders. Adjust the length of the straps to find your most comfortable position.

Small Shoulder Bags

Although you may still be receiving asymmetrical distribution, small shoulder bags mean less weight, and you can hold them closer to your body. Avoid stressing one shoulder over the other by switching sides frequently.

Light Backpacks

One of the best options for bags are lightweight backpacks. These come in all styles, from sporty to formal, so there’s no need to worry about looking professional. These bags distribute weight evenly across both shoulders, with adjustable straps for comfort. 

If you have any questions about what your fashion sense is doing to your  back, or if you’d like to set up a consultation or appointment, contact Spencer Chiropractic Center today!

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